Technology to the Rescue
My dad always told me that good ideas are a dime a dozen. The trick is to put the good ideas into motion so that by perseverance and hard work they come to fruition. This is true of the pharmaceutical industry. Massive investment in basic research has yielded a much better understanding of how cancer “works,” creating opportunities for biochemists to design specific pharmaceuticals that will inhibit cancer growth and spread. However, the fact remains that multi-million dollar clinical trials must be performed before a new medicine can be approved and released by the FDA.
First Impressions Can Really Harm You
After interviewing thousands of newly-diagnosed prostate cancer patients, I have found that the first impressions of most patients about prostate cancer are almost always wrong. Why? There are several reasons.
In Praise of Life in the Libido Free Zone
Although I don’t subscribe to the idea that we men are exclusively the products of our hormones, our sex life—or lack of it—following cancer treatment is a matter of serious concern to almost all of us.
The Big Shift: “Eating to Live”
For many men, a diagnosis of prostate cancer is a wake-up call to make lifestyle and dietary changes. If you have been diagnosed with the Low-Risk and even Intermediate-Risk form of the disease, and you have decided to delay radical treatment, it is particularly important to follow a diet known to inhibit cancer growth.