Prostate Digest | Spring 2018, Volume 21, Issue 1
The Prostate Cancer Research Institute is delighted to announce Prostate Digest, the new format for what was formerly Prostate Insights Magazine. Prostate Digest still contains articles from the most prestigious doctors in the field, clinical researchers, support group leaders, and PCRI’s staff. However, Prostate Digest comes in a newspaper! As before, we offer all articles online. If you prefer, you can receive articles directly to your email. Enter your email here or call us at 310-743-2116. To learn more about PCRI, our Medical Review Board, and our Board of Directors, click here.
Prostate Insights Quarterly Newsletter | Winter 2017, Volume 20, Issue 4
Hello Researcher, welcome to a new issue of Prostate Insights, a newsletter that brings you the latest information about prostate cancer. In addition to arresting the progress of cancer growth, it is of equal if not--in some cases--of more importance to focus on quality of life issues that arise as a result of one's treatment choice.
Targeted Radiation Administered by Injection
Radium-223 Dichloride, otherwise known as Xofigo, is the first alpha-emitting radiopharmaceutical used to treat prostate-cancer-related bone metastasis. The FDA approved Xofigo in May of 2013. The clinical trial that led to the FDA approval was called the ALSYMPCA trial. Eligible patients were randomized in a 2:1 fashion to either receive six monthly intravenous injections of radium-223 or best standard of care, such as antiandrogen hormonal therapy, local external beam radiation, corticosteroids, estramustine, or ketoconazole. The men who received radium-223 had improvement in bone pain and also experienced an increased survival.
Prostate Insights Quarterly Newsletter | Volume 20, Issue 1
Hello Researcher, welcome to a new issue of Prostate Insights, a newsletter that brings you the latest information about prostate cancer. In addition to arresting the progress of cancer growth, it is of equal if not--in some cases--of more importance to focus on quality of life issues that arise as a result of one's treatment choice.