Prostate Digest | Spring 2018, Volume 21, Issue 1
The Prostate Cancer Research Institute is delighted to announce Prostate Digest, the new format for what was formerly Prostate Insights Magazine. Prostate Digest still contains articles from the most prestigious doctors in the field, clinical researchers, support group leaders, and PCRI’s staff. However, Prostate Digest comes in a newspaper! As before, we offer all articles online. If you prefer, you can receive articles directly to your email. Enter your email here or call us at 310-743-2116. To learn more about PCRI, our Medical Review Board, and our Board of Directors, click here.
Prostate Insights Quarterly Newsletter | Winter 2017, Volume 20, Issue 4
Hello Researcher, welcome to a new issue of Prostate Insights, a newsletter that brings you the latest information about prostate cancer. In addition to arresting the progress of cancer growth, it is of equal if not--in some cases--of more importance to focus on quality of life issues that arise as a result of one's treatment choice.
Prostate Insights Quarterly Newsletter | Volume 20, Issue 1
Hello Researcher, welcome to a new issue of Prostate Insights, a newsletter that brings you the latest information about prostate cancer. In addition to arresting the progress of cancer growth, it is of equal if not--in some cases--of more importance to focus on quality of life issues that arise as a result of one's treatment choice.
Donate to PCRI with Mark Moyad, MD
Please Please (two “pleases” for emphasis) Consider Giving A Donation To PCRI This Year (AKA “Now please”) Because I Said So, And It Would Also Hurt My Feelings If You Did Not Donate Because I Am An Extremely Sensitive XY Chromosome (aka “man”).
Featured Article: Using Ginseng for Cancer Related Fatigue
The Cheapest, Best, Safest Available “Drug” for Cancer-Related Fatigue (CRF) that no one knows about until now, despite being proven to work at the Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson Cancer Center & 40+ other medical centers many years ago!!??? What the heck is Moyad talking about?! (Shameless plug #235-See “The Supplement Handbook” by Moyad on Amazon after reading this article).
The Moyad Challenge Entry 1: Are You Bear Hugging Life, or Just Giving It the Occasional Anemic Thumbs-Up Sign?
Dr. Moyad is challenging you to step outside your comfort zone and reach a new level of physical and mental health. To take the challenge, visit www.pcri.org to see a list of suggested activities, or create your own. When you complete your chosen activity, you will upload a picture and a quick paragraph about what you learned from your experience.
The Moyad Side Benefits of 5 Important Adult Vaccines in 2016
Mark Moyad, MD, a leading doctor and best selling author, details the importance of 5 vaccines, and highlights some side benefits of vaccination.
What’s Going On at the Prostate Cancer Research Institute
In 2016, the PCRI will celebrate its 20th anniversary. The PCRI, founded in 1996 by Dr. Stephen Strum and I, was originally funded by a generous grant from the Daniel Freeman Medical Foundation. This initial grant was spent on hiring Harry Pinchot, aka Helpline Harry. The helpline format adopted at the PCRI was modeled after the work of Lloyd Ney, the founder of PAACT. PCRI’s helpline presently has four counselors: Jonathan Levy, Silvia Cooper, Bob Each and Charles Kokaska, all who provide unbiased prostate-cancer-related information, free of charge to the public.