Twelve Years on Active Surveillance
Back in 1996, I watched my steadfast father’s quality-of-life crumble as he descended into the world of prostate cancer (PC). Treatments (castration, radiation, etc.) rendered a once proud man a shadow of his former self, which was the result of gruesome side effects. Consequently, when I was diagnosed in 2005 at the age of 55...
The Moyad Challenge Entry 1: Are You Bear Hugging Life, or Just Giving It the Occasional Anemic Thumbs-Up Sign?
Dr. Moyad is challenging you to step outside your comfort zone and reach a new level of physical and mental health. To take the challenge, visit www.pcri.org to see a list of suggested activities, or create your own. When you complete your chosen activity, you will upload a picture and a quick paragraph about what you learned from your experience.
Inspiration For Circulation
Circulation is a vital part of strengthening your immune system’s ability to fight off disease. This is especially true in the case of cancer. Providing a good amount of oxygen to your cells keeps them healthy and increases their resistance to disease. Oxygen also aids in the repair of previously damaged cells. Dr. Dean Foster and strength trainer Joseph Aviel are going to show you an exercise that will keep your heart and lungs at the top of their game, circulating as much oxygen as possible to your body.
Self-Care for Prostate Cancer (Part 1)
PCRI is committed to giving you the most up-to-date information and connecting you with professional support to fight prostate cancer. The PCRI process of education leading to empowered decision-making rests on the foundation of the contemporary “Patient-Centric Healthcare” (1). One critical aspect of this is simply called “Self-Care” (2).