2016 Prostate Cancer Conference Highlights
Through Q+A, we ensure that the information the doctors present is relevant, unbiased, applicable, and accessible to those without medical degrees. The keynote presentations are followed by Q+A with Conference Moderator, Mark Moyad, MD, and after that, by a smaller Q+A session where patient questions are answered directly by the speaker.
Donate to PCRI with Mark Moyad, MD
Please Please (two “pleases” for emphasis) Consider Giving A Donation To PCRI This Year (AKA “Now please”) Because I Said So, And It Would Also Hurt My Feelings If You Did Not Donate Because I Am An Extremely Sensitive XY Chromosome (aka “man”).
Part 2. So Why So Many Biopsies?
“No More Unnecessary Biopsies . . . ” The first four words of the sub-title of our book, Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers,” are a clear statement of our objective. I am no fan of biopsies. At the same time I know that a biopsy is an essential diagnostic tool when appropriately used. The problem is that too many doctors schedule an immediate biopsy if there is only a slight rise in PSA, when it would be more appropriate to explore less invasive diagnostic methods first.
To Be or Not to Be Biopsied—That Is the Question
Prior to being biopsied, you need to be aware that almost half of all men diagnosed with prostate cancer have a chronic Low-Risk type, a condition which, according to my writing partner, prostate oncologist Mark Scholz, doesn’t really deserve to be called “cancer” and can be safely monitored without immediate treatment. This reassuring knowledge helps to diffuse the inevitable fear that comes with a cancer diagnosis.