Marijuana Cures Everything Dude?!
Mark Moyad, MD is a best-selling author and an authority on alternative treatments. In this much-requested article, Dr. Moyad analyzes clinical data and definitively answers common questions about the efficacy of Marijuana on cancer and cancer-related side effects.
Erections Lasting 4 Hours and Other Emergencies
Since prostate cancer is predominantly a slow growing and asymptomatic disease, emergencies directly caused by prostate cancer are relatively rare. But there are a few conditions that can arise and it is good to be aware of them. Dr. Scholz highlights a few of these emergency conditions.
Sir Spheres for Liver Metastases from Prostate Cancer
Cancer that spreads outside the prostate gland is what makes prostate cancer dangerous. Metastatic prostate cancer cells cause malfunction by impeding normal function. Some organs, like lymph nodes for example, continue to function quite nicely, even if the degree of cancer spread is extensive. Lymph node spread, therefore, is the least dangerous form of prostate cancer metastases. At the other end of the spectrum is the liver, which is far less tolerant. The seriousness of bone metastases, the most common site of prostate cancer spread, lies about half way between that of node metastases and liver metastases.
Technology to the Rescue
My dad always told me that good ideas are a dime a dozen. The trick is to put the good ideas into motion so that by perseverance and hard work they come to fruition. This is true of the pharmaceutical industry. Massive investment in basic research has yielded a much better understanding of how cancer “works,” creating opportunities for biochemists to design specific pharmaceuticals that will inhibit cancer growth and spread. However, the fact remains that multi-million dollar clinical trials must be performed before a new medicine can be approved and released by the FDA.