Novel Agent Being Explored in Two Trials of High-Risk Prostate Cancer | An Article by Dr. Berberabe for Cure Magazine
"Researchers are hopeful about the potential for a novel agent in high-risk prostate cancer" states Tony Berberabe, MPh in his published article for Cure Magazine on June 23rd, 2016
Testosterone Levels Are Significant | An Interview with Dr. Laurence Klotz by Prostatepedia
In this blog PCRI presents an interview from our contributing partner, Prostatepedia.
Prostatepedia spoke at length with Dr. Laurence Klotz about why testosterone levels are significant in prostate cancer. Dr. Laurence Klotz is an esteemed Urological Oncologist from the University of Toronto. He is one of the driving forces behind the development of active surveillance as a viable approach for men with slow-growing, non-aggressive prostate cancer. Here is the interview:
Zytiga (abiraterone): A Breakthrough for Men with Prostate Cancer
One of the unique characteristics of prostate cancer is its responsiveness to the withdrawal of testosterone. This “Achilles Heel” of prostate cancer was discovered in the 1940’s when surgical removal of the testicles was shown to induce cancer remissions. In 1985, Lupron, an injectable medication that works by tricking the testicles into ceasing testosterone production, was FDA approved. Orchiectomy, or surgical removal of the testicles, has been declining in popularity ever since.